Residential Assistant . A natural promotion from DSP to Residential Assistant is the perfect way to start climbing up a career path within our agency. Residential Assistant may assist the Home Manager with such things as processing payroll, doing quality assurance or planning activities for the individuals. Whenever possible, promoting from within is a priority.
Residential Coordinator. Community Concepts residential family homes house 6 to 8 individuals, are located in neighborhood settings, and often have one Residential Coordinator (Home Manager) per home. Community Options Residential Coordinator may oversee a number of homes depending upon location and the number of individuals residing in their own homes or apartments. In either type of setting, the Residential Coordinator hires staff and provides over site to maintain a smooth family-like atmosphere in which the individuals reside. Prior supervisory or DD experience is preferred. Promotion from DSP or Residential Assistant to Residential Coordinator is possible as promotion from within is our priority.
CASE MANAGER. Assigned to various locations, Case Managers round out the on-site medical teams. Scheduling and accompanying individuals on appointments to physicians only scratches the surface of responsibilities. The Case Manager is a vital member of an individual’s person-centered team of professionals. Like other positions, promotion from DSP, RA, and RC is an option.
PROGRAM COORDINATOR. Essential to every individual is their own person-centered choice driven plan which the Program Coordinator is responsible for making sure all aspects are followed and making adjustments as an individual’s likes and abilities progress over time. This speaks to the very essence of why our agency exists: supporting individuals to obtain the skills and improve abilities in order to achieve their own personal life goals. Program Coordinators are assigned to individuals in residential settings and in our vocational location. A Bachelor degree is required. Career advancement within the agency leads to numerous supervisory positions.
LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE. Typically serving 12 to 16 individuals, our LPNs have the time to focus on maintaining the physical and mental health of their individuals. Supervisory duties include oversite of delegated nursing staff. Our family-home setting provides a welcomed alternative and refreshing change of pace. In fact, uniforms and scrubs are prohibited!
AGENCY SUPPORT STAFF. The solid structure of our agency is built upon many jobs too numerous to list. Contact us or complete the preliminary employment application if you are seeking other types of work such as receptionist; payroll; billing; or human resources. We would like to know about you should an opening become available. Adminsitrative positions work out of the Administration Building located in Mason, OH.